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Wyatt Lee Dickey - Online Memorial Website

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Wyatt Dickey
Född i California
5 years
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The mystery of love is greater than the mystery of death.Unknown

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest Wyatt Lee Dickey who was born in California Bakersfield on April 20, 2000 and passed away on December 15, 2005. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.

               God's Lent Child


              I'll lend you for a while,

             a child of mine God said.

         For you to love the while he lives,

           and mourn for when he's dead.


              It may be 6 or 7 years,

                        or 42 or 3.

             But will you till I call him back,

                 take care of him for me?


            He'll bring his joys to gladden you,

                 and should his stay be brief,

               You'll always have his memories

                       as solace in your grief.


               I cannot promise he will stay,

                since all from earth return.

            But, there are lessons taught below,

                    I want this child to learn.


            I have looked the whole world over,

               in my search for teachers true,

         and from the folk that crowd life's lanes,

                          I have chosen you.


               Now, will you give him all your love,

                      and not think the labor vain,

                  nor hate me when I come to take,

                       this lent child home again?


                  I fancy that I've heard them say,

                     Dear God, thy will be done,

                 for all the joys this child shall bring,

                     the risk of grief we'll gladly run.


                    We'll shelter him with tenderness,

                         we'll hug him whilst we may.

              And for all the happiness we've ever known,

                              we'll ever grateful stay.

                    And should the angels call him back,

                      much sooner than we've planned,

                    we'll brave the bitter grief that comes,

                              and try and understand.

                                    Author Unkown

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